HANDSTAND Productions is a small, reliable and friendly media outfit. Everything we do is driven by our real interest in people, images and stories.

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LYC Island Challenge - for Lancashire Youth Challenge (2022)

Tupumue – Let’s Breathe - for LSTM/KEMRI (2022)

Past Journeys Future Dreams - for Lancashire Youth Challenge (July 2021)

Tupumue Fiti Ishi Fiti - for Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (2020)

Humans are the Problem …. - for EUREKA! The National Children's Museum with The Mosslands School Wallasey (2019)

Cooking and Pneumonia – 2016 results - for Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (2016)

The Liverpool Everyman Portrait Wall - for Everyman & Playhouse Theatres (2014)

What Side Are You On? - for Clapperboard UK (2010)

We have won the national Independent Bookshop of the Year 2013 award, and I feel sure this has been enormously helped by the film which will have given the judges an instant flavour of the activities going on here. Thanks a lot, Handstand!

Eleanor Davies, owner Linghams booksellers, Heswall

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